
Phirni Recipe In Hindi

स्वाद अनुसार फिरनी रेसिपी

Are you looking for a delicious and traditional Indian dessert to satisfy your sweet tooth? Look no further, as I bring to you the classic Phirni recipe. This creamy and luscious dessert is a must-have for any special occasion or festive celebration. With its rich texture and aromatic flavors, Phirni is sure to delight your taste buds and leave you craving for more. Let’s dive into the world of Indian sweets and learn how to make this delectable Phirni at home.

1. 1 liter full-fat milk
2. 1/2 cup rice, soaked for 2-3 hours
3. 1/2 cup sugar
4. 1/4 teaspoon cardamom powder
5. Saffron strands, for garnish
6. Chopped nuts (almonds, pistachios), for garnish

1. Drain the soaked rice and blend it into a coarse paste, using a food processor or grinder.
2. In a heavy-bottomed pan, bring the milk to a boil over medium heat, stirring occasionally to prevent burning.
3. Once the milk comes to a boil, reduce the heat and add the rice paste, stirring constantly to avoid lumps.
4. Cook the mixture on low heat, stirring occasionally, until it thickens to a creamy consistency.
5. Add sugar and cardamom powder, and continue to cook for another 5-7 minutes, until the sugar is fully dissolved.
6. Remove the pan from heat and let the Phirni cool down slightly.
7. Pour the Phirni into individual serving bowls or earthenware, and refrigerate for 3-4 hours to set.
8. Before serving, garnish with saffron strands and chopped nuts for an elegant touch.

Wrap Up:
Now that you have the recipe for this delightful Phirni dessert, indulge in its heavenly taste and treat your loved ones to a memorable culinary experience. Whether it’s a festival, party, or simply a craving for something sweet, Phirni is the perfect choice to add a hint of sweetness to your day. Try this recipe at home and enjoy the rich flavors of Indian tradition in every spoonful of Phirni.

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