
Puffed Rice Ladoo Recipe Pori Urundai Recipe

– Welcome to the healthy foodkitchen where we believe in creating delicious and nutritious recipes for our readers
– Today, we are excited to share with you our Puffed Rice Ladoo (Pori Urundai) recipe
– This easy and quick snack is perfect for satisfying your sweet cravings while still keeping it healthy

– 3 cups of puffed rice
– 3/4 cup of jaggery
– 1/4 cup of water
– 1/4 teaspoon of cardamom powder
– 2 tablespoons of ghee (clarified butter)
– A handful of roasted nuts (optional)

1. In a large bowl, add the puffed rice and set aside
2. In a saucepan, melt the jaggery with water over medium heat to make a syrup
3. Once the jaggery syrup reaches a soft ball consistency, add the cardamom powder and mix well
4. Pour the jaggery syrup over the puffed rice and mix until well combined
5. Grease your hands with ghee and start shaping the mixture into small round balls (ladoos)
6. If desired, you can press some roasted nuts into the ladoos for an extra crunch
7. Let the ladoos cool and set for a few minutes before serving or storing in an airtight container

We hope you enjoy making and eating these Puffed Rice Ladoos as much as we do. They are the perfect guilt-free treat for any time of the day. Happy cooking and stay tuned for more healthy foodkitchen recipes!

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