
Adhirasam Recipe In Tamil

Authentic Thamil Virundhu Adhirasam Recipe in Tamil

– Are you craving for a traditional Thamil sweet treat that will leave your taste buds asking for more?
– Look no further, as I bring you an authentic Thamil Virundhu Adhirasam recipe straight from my kitchen to yours.
– Adhirasam is a popular sweet dish in Thamil Nadu, known for its rich flavors and melt-in-your-mouth texture.

– 2 cups of raw rice
– 1 ½ cups of jaggery
– ½ cup of water
– 1 tsp of cardamom powder
– 1 cup of grated coconut
– Ghee, for deep-frying

1. Soak the raw rice in water for 2 hours, then drain and spread it out on a cloth to dry.
2. Once the rice is dry, grind it into a fine powder and set aside.
3. In a pan, melt the jaggery with ½ cup of water to make a syrup.
4. Add the cardamom powder and grated coconut to the jaggery syrup, and mix well.
5. Gradually add the rice powder to the jaggery mixture and knead it into a smooth dough.
6. Divide the dough into small balls and flatten them into round shapes.
7. Heat ghee in a pan and deep-fry the adhirasam until they turn golden brown.
8. Drain the excess ghee and let the adhirasam cool before serving.

Incorporating the richness of Thamil flavors, this Adhirasam recipe is a must-try for anyone with a sweet tooth. The crispy outer layer and chewy, sweet inside make it a perfect treat for festive occasions or simply as a delightful snack. Try making this traditional Thamil dessert at home and let the aromas transport you to the streets of Thamil Nadu. Enjoy every bite as you savor the simplicity and joy of Thamil Virundhu Adhirasam!

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