
Kerala Pathiri

As a food chef and blogger, I have always been passionate about exploring and sharing the rich and diverse culinary traditions of Kerala, a beautiful state in South India known for its vibrant flavors and unique dishes.

I am excited to introduce you to one of Kerala’s most beloved delicacies – Kerala Pathiri. This traditional flatbread is a staple in Kerala households and is beloved for its versatility and mouthwatering taste.


– Rice flour
– Water
– Salt


1. In a mixing bowl, combine the rice flour and salt.
2. Gradually add water to the mixture, stirring continuously until it forms a smooth dough.
3. Divide the dough into small balls and flatten them into thin, round pathiris.
4. Heat a griddle or pan over medium heat and place the pathiri on it.
5. Cook the pathiri for a few minutes on each side, until it turns golden brown and develops a slight crispiness.
6. Serve the pathiri hot with your favorite curry or chutney.

By following this simple recipe, you can experience the authentic flavors of Kerala right in your own kitchen. The soft and tender texture of the pathiri pairs perfectly with the bold and spicy flavors of traditional Kerala curries, making it a must-try for any food lover.

I hope you enjoy exploring the world of Kerala cuisine through this delicious and easy-to-make Kerala Pathiri recipe. Let me know in the comments below if you tried it and how it turned out for you! Keep an eye out for more traditional Kerala recipes and culinary adventures from me.

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