
Bengali Mishti Doi Recipe

Welcome to my kitchen, food lovers! Today, I am thrilled to share with you a classic Bengali dessert recipe that will transport you to the streets of Kolkata – Bengali Mishti Doi. This sweet, creamy, and slightly tangy delicacy is a must-try for anyone with a sweet tooth.


– 1 liter of full cream milk
– 4 tbsp of plain yogurt
– 1 cup of sugar
– A pinch of cardamom powder
– Saffron strands for garnish


1. Begin by boiling the milk in a heavy-bottomed pan until it reduces to half its quantity. This will take about 30-40 minutes, so be patient and keep stirring occasionally to prevent the milk from sticking to the bottom of the pan.

2. Once the milk has thickened, let it cool down until it is just warm to the touch. This is important to ensure that the yogurt cultures thrive in the warm environment.

3. In a small bowl, mix the plain yogurt with a spoonful of the cooled milk. This will help in tempering the yogurt and prevent it from curdling when added to the rest of the milk.

4. Add the tempered yogurt to the rest of the milk and mix well to ensure that it is fully incorporated.

5. Now, it’s time to add the sugar and cardamom powder to the milk-yogurt mixture. Stir vigorously to dissolve the sugar and evenly distribute the cardamom flavor.

6. Once everything is well combined, pour the mixture into clean, earthenware pots or any other heatproof container.

7. Cover the pots with a clean cloth and let them sit undisturbed in a warm place for 6-8 hours, or until the yogurt has set and acquired a creamy texture.

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8. Once the Mishti Doi has set, refrigerate it for a couple of hours to chill and allow the flavors to meld together.

9. Before serving, garnish the Mishti Doi with a few strands of saffron for a touch of elegance and aroma.

Enjoy this delectable Bengali Mishti Doi as a perfect ending to any meal or as a sweet treat on its own.

I hope you enjoy making and savoring this traditional dessert as much as I do! Happy cooking!

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