
Maintenance Diet Plan 1200 Calories Indian Diet Plan Azra Khan Fitness

Are you looking for a fitness maintenance diet plan that is both nutritious and delicious? Look no further! Azra Khan Fitness has got you covered with our 1200 calorie Indian diet plan that will help you stay fit and healthy.

– Fresh fruits and vegetables
– Whole grain cereals and breads
– Lean protein sources such as chicken, fish, and tofu
– Healthy fats like avocados, nuts, and olive oil
– Low-fat dairy products
– Herbs and spices for flavor

– Start your day with a nutritious breakfast of oatmeal topped with fresh fruits and a sprinkle of nuts.
– For lunch, enjoy a colorful salad with mixed greens, grilled chicken, and a light vinaigrette dressing.
– Snack on a handful of crunchy carrots and hummus in the afternoon to keep your energy levels up.
– Dinner could be a comforting bowl of lentil soup served with a side of whole wheat bread.
– End your day with a soothing cup of herbal tea or warm milk before bedtime.

Start your journey to a healthier lifestyle with our 1200 calorie Indian diet plan. Remember, it’s not just about the number of calories you consume, but also the quality of those calories. Feed your body with the nutrients it needs to thrive and you’ll be well on your way to achieving your fitness goals.

Why not give it a try and see the difference it makes in your overall well-being? Happy eating and happy living!

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